Chief Apostle Samuel Ealy Jr,
Deeply rooted in African tradition and spirituality

Signed in as:
Chief Apostle Samuel Ealy Jr,
Deeply rooted in African tradition and spirituality
Our mission is to reach out worldwide and touch as many people as possible, by helping you determine and explore who you are, your soul's purpose, as you implement unconditional self love by learning and understanding your own energy and, Universal law which are based off of true scientific FACTS.
It is important to understand you are spirit first, with a soul placed in a body. These are basic fundamental scientific facts. Once you understand these basics, you will began to understand who God is and that we were created in His image. This applies to all of us, everyone, no matter what your religion or belief.
Rather you are a member of our community or just stopping through we live and teach nothing short of manifestation as we implement it in our every day lives. As you further learn about energy and Universal law, you will began to understand how manifestation works and the importance as well as its benefits. To sum it up and simplify it, manifestation is to bring forth and intention/intentions and or a desire/desires. We consistently work with one another to bring forth what is needed in our individual lives to move forward in success, business, love, relationships happiness, health, wellness, endeavors, our heart's true desires, and much much more. The list is endless.
Incorporated with other ATR’s that I practice, now, I am opening up a membership portal where you can benefit from the Palo Mayombe family without being scratched or initiated. This allows you to access different Nikissi’s that I have received and work with to petition on your behalf to bring deliverance and manifestation in your life. Below, I will explain each Nikissi and what that energy can do. The access to real Palo magic, animal sacrifice to different Npungos and additional workings will be accessible to you once you have received a Palo consultation (this is different from the normal consultation currently for $150.00) and an exclusive membership has been purchased for a donation of $1,200.00. The additional workings will vary in donations depending on what you are needing/looking for, which will be discussed during your private Palo consult. If you are looking for cauldrons, you must be initiated, scratched into the Palo Family. Please note these deities are not slaves and will NOT be treated as such. These workings will be respected, honored and taken seriously.
Cubayende/Kobayendeyour workings be with the - The god of death is over health, infectious diseases and protection. He is highly respected for his miracle cures and warding off evils. He is the master of nights, patron of the dead. Kobayende is syncretized with Babalu’Aye, both are in relation to Saint Lazarus. Kobayende and Zarabanda maintain the balance in the world so that order and harmony prevail. His colors are purple and his date of celebration is on December 17th for his syncretism with Saint Lazarus. He is typically depicted as wise, old and trembles with pain as serval sores cover his legs.
Alongside other ATR membership portals, I am opening up a membership portal for Haitian Voodoo, my first love that I have been initiated and practicing since a child. My guardian spirit which is a high voodoo priest has been with me since conception. He has made packs with my Palo Mayombe gods/Npungos that I have received which are Lucero Mundo, Centella Ndoki, Nsambi Siete Rayos and Cubayende/Kobayende. With this membership not only will your additional workings be with the Loas, but also my guardian spirit Hattian Voodoo Priest in conjunction with Palo Mayombe gods/Npingos that he has made packs with. My guardian spirit works the left and the right hand so your protection and workings will be enormous. You can now benefit from this practice without being initiated and receive workings under my guidance and with my spirits as if you were initiated. This is my heaviest work dealing with the strongest aspect of what I have to offer. These workings will be very difficult to break or intercept. Do not ask for his name because you are NOT getting it! His colors are purple and red which are the candles that will be worked for him. His drink is Zafra Rum Master Reserved Aged 21 years. Please note: These deities are not slaves and will NOT be treated as such. These workings will be respected, honored and taken seriously
Zarabanda-One of the most powerful and respected Npungos of Palo Mayombe. Known for strength and protection. He does not tolerate injustice and is a great warrior for those who invoke with respect and sincerity. He helps with blockages and removing obstacles as well as bring in success and good fortune to those who are Ginuwine and sincere. In addition, most knowledgeable priests prefer to avoid war with his children for this is not an easy battle to overcome.
He is considered the father of the flame. A great sorcerer and one of the most dangerous and fearsome warriors within Palo. He aggressively protects his children and devotes doing extensive damage to anyone who attacks his children. Although this is a highly masculine deity that can be seen as volatile and aggressive, he is an excellent guardian of love relationships between humans.
Lucero Mundo-He is the gatekeeper of all roads with the power to attract and reject influences of good and evil. He travels through every path leading us to fortune or failure a very important Npungo as he is the head below all things in life, nothing can happen without his consent. Lucero Mundo is a trickster and childlike spirit whom can get agitated easily if neglected. He is considered the messenger of God with colors of red and black or black and white which represents the positive and negative in our lives.
Centella Ndoki-She is the one who reigns in all the spirits in the cemetery She is classified as the owner of the Egguns. Centella is highly feared by most practitioners because she dominates the world of the dead, winds and storms. Centella is impulsive with an arrogant nature who acts without contemplation until the mission is achieved which makes her a danger to anyone who tries to attack her children. She is also one of the most adored Npugos by the Paleros. Centella is the mother of wealth, great at working against enemies and prosperity. Her best works are ceremonies performed in the cemetery.
Alongside other ATR membership portals, I am opening up a membership portal for the Orisha family, which I have been crowned twice, my mother in Ocha is Oya and my father is Babalu-Aye. You can now benefit from the Orishas I have received and work with without being initiated or scratched to petition on your behalf bringing deliverance and manifestation in your life. Below, I will explain each Orisha and what that particular energy can do. An exclusive Orisha membership must be purchased for the donation of $2,200, which will give you access for me to petition on your behalf. Animal sacrifice and additional workings will vary in donations depending upon what you are in need of or looking for which will be discussed to you privately during an initial Orisha consultation (this is different from the normal consultation currently for $150.00) Please note these deities are not slaves and will NOT be treated as such. These workings will be respected, honored and taken seriously.
Oya is the gatekeeper of the cemetery and is the Orisha of winds, lightning and violent storms. She is known for many things, but, mostly symbolizing change, transformation, strength, protection, good luck and healing. She was a former wife of Ogun before marrying Shango, the god of thunder. Oya rules the market place and was known as an excellent business woman. Oya despises lies and injustice and would not refrain from pouring her wrath on those who dare her. She is a very powerful and fiery warrior goddess whom acts without reason when her children are being attacked, which makes her one of the most dangerous and powerful Orishas.
Ayao is Oya’s younger sister and much like her, she is the Orisha of whirlwind. She is able to manipulate the winds, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes and other powerful things in the atmosphere. Her strong bonds with winds encourage strength in the face of adversity. She brings an energetic force of both destructive and restorative traits. With her sisterly alliance with Oya and her direct connection to Osanyin, these workings together are known to go unbroken and an unstoppable force.
Oshun: the Mother of Rivers and represents purity, water, fertility, love, beauty, femininity, sensuality and prosperity. Oshun is endearing, sensual,
flirtatious and is adorned with gold jewelry, bronze bracelets, beads and mirrors. Her father is Obatala the sky father whom is the head of all Orishas. Oshun is deeply connected to the spirit world and her mirrors are considered gateways between the material and spiritual world, but don’t get her love and sweetness misconstrued. Oshun is a fierce warrior who can use seduction as an art of war and is not afraid to kill with a smile.
Yemaya The queen of the sea, the ocean mother goddess. Yemaya is the most nurturing of all the Orishas. Her protective energy can be found anywhere but especially near oceans and lakes. She has a fierce, nurturing, gentle energy often associated with the moon. As the “Mother of All” she helps in matters of, love, fertility, emotional wounds, trauma and healing work. However, if you cross, disrespect her or hurt one of her children, her attack is far more opposite of what she represents. Beware of her wrath and her anger streak. She is known to bathe in the blood of her enemies or even manifest in the form of a tidal wave.
Oshumare, represents the union between heaven and earth, the balance between the Orishas and men. It is androgynous, this double aspect is present in the colors red (masculine) and blue (feminine), which serves as green to the rainbow. It represents movement, permanence and wealth. He is Shangó's assistant, since he is in charge of returning to the clouds, the water that he sends to the world through the rain, and the crown of Yemayá. Son of Naná Burukú, brother of Irokó and Babalú Ayé.
It represents the evaporation of water, a very important cycle because it sustains life on earth, since without rain and without return to the clouds life would perish. It is responsible for the communication between the two spheres, upper and lower of the cosmos. Arduous warrior, he is credited with the government of the air and some atmospheric phenomena.
Ogun- The god of war and iron. He is the guardian of workers in iron and steel including but not limited to barbers, blacksmiths, butchers, goldsmiths and mechanics. Ogun is hard and fierce by nature representing the colors of green and black. It is Ogun that clear the roads with his machete but Eleggua who opens the roads. He is a fierce warrior who defends law and order, truth and justice. Ogun works 24 hours 7 days a week and is seen one of the most important gods of war.
Shango- One of the major Orishas representing fire, thunder, lightning, dance, justice and virility. Shango helps with protection, justice, matters of love, health and prosperity. His swift and powerful display of his wrath is feared by all. Shango defeats adversaries and defends against evil. He was married 3 times to Oshun, Oba and Oya
Eleggua stands at the crossroads, he is of fate and destiny. Eleggua can open and close roads. He also serves as a diviner and healer. Eleggua provides strength, guidance and protection in times of need, he is also associated with doorways and will protect a home from any danger or from someone with ill intent entering the home.
Babalu’-Aye translates to “father of the world’, he is the manifestation of the supreme creator god Olodumare. Babalu’-Aye is the protector of the sick, weak, hurt and injured, he is associated with healing and infectious disease. He is depicted as an old sick man and body covered in sores. Babalu’- Aye can heal any sickness and can also bring wealth.
Ochosi is a warrior Orisha with a crossbow, arrows and hunting dogs with colors of blue and gold. He is a talented hunter and a great fisherman associated with forest, animals and wealth. Ochosi is the lord of justice. He can bring wealth, protection and justice. Elegua, Ogun, and Ochosi are claimed to be brothers, although all of them had different mothers. Ochosi and Ogun formed a pact where Ochosi would hunt, and Ogun would clear the path for him. This is why now they are inseparable.
Obatala is the father of all Orishas and the owner of all heads known as the sky god, he is a warrior that enforces justice. Obatals’s primary color is white which represents purity and all colors of the rainbow. He brings divine peace, purification, mental clarity and stability. Obatala is kind, compassionate with an abundance of knowledge and wisdom. Obatala is said to be married to Yemaya the goddess of the oceans and the godmother of Orishas. Obatala is also an androgynous figure who could be male, female or neither. He has no patience and will not tolerate gender fights that break out in the human community.
Alongside other ATR membership portals, I am opening up a membership portal for Haitian Voodoo, my first love that I have been initiated and practicing since a child. My guardian spirit which is a high voodoo priest has been with me since conception. He has made packs with my Palo Mayombe gods/Npungos that I have received which are Lucero Mundo, Zarabanda, Centella Ndoki, Nsambi Siete Rayos and Cubayende/Kobayende. With this membership not only will your additional workings be with the Loas, but also my guardian spirit Hattian Voodoo Priest in conjunction with Palo Mayombe gods/Npingos that he has made packs with. My guardian spirit works the left and the right hand so your protection and workings will be enormous. You can now benefit from this practice without being initiated and receive workings under my guidance and with my spirits as if you were initiated. This is my heaviest work dealing with the strongest aspect of what I have to offer. These workings will be very difficult to break or intercept. Do not ask for his name because you are NOT getting it! His colors are purple and red which are the candles that will be worked for him. His drink is Zafra Rum Master Reserved Aged 21 years. Please note: These deities or any of my spirits are not slaves and will NOT be treated as such. These workings will be respected, honored and taken seriously
Fundamental Teaching
No matter where you are spiritually, advanced, beginner, or mediocre, we start at a level that all can understand and gain knowledge from, then we implement individual teachings and goals that are specifically geared to guide you and your soul's purpose. It does not matter your religion, age, sexual preference and or belief system. Understanding that everyone was born here with a purpose and you can live a life that was designed for you and only you is absolutely factual, and knowing that you truly can be granted access to your gifts, abundance, and blessings that are waiting for you.
Do you ever question: "Why am I here" "I feel like this moment has happened already" "What do I want out of life" Why do I feel so alone" "Why does my life feel like its missing something"
If you have EVER asked yourself any of these questions, please contact us, so we can get the ball rolling in your favor together.
Worship Service
Our worship service is every Sunday from 11:00AM EST-2:00PM EST. All are welcome to come as you are. For location and more information please click tab under more info- above. If you are looking for guidance, understanding, or even just a new experience, try God, we welcome you with open arms with no judgement or stipulations. Thank you, for your time, interest, and support in our ministry.
I am Crowned Oya in the Ocha religion with Babalu-Aye being my father. I have also received Oya’s sister, Ayao and am able to work with many of the Orishas just to name a few. My practices are heavily based on many of the African tradition religions being blessed by the Loa’s and Orishas. I am able to bring forth many manifestations with the ATR’s. I am looking forward to welcoming all of my future god children through the initiation process and crowning ceremonies if you choose to practice. As I look further into the future and see what is headed our way, my ultimate goal is to implement these ATR’s working with my gifts and abilities to enhance your life as you walk in your divine purpose. Rather you choose to get initiated into an ATR or not. I want to welcome and encourage you to learn under my teachings in Universal law, as I guide you on how to live a prosperous, victorious life rather you want to practice or just utilize the resources I offer .
I have always been gifted as far back as I can remember being a child, having visions and able to see above and beyond into the spirit world with supernatural gifts. My entire life has been nothing short of magic, miracles, and manifestations, for it innately runs deep in my bloodline for generations.
I was trained as a young child unto adulthood how to use and understand my gifts and abilities to best serve my purpose as I do God's Will and, I've been successfully putting it to work ever since. Thus, it is important to me that I continue to teach, inspire and give true and accurate information to all of my brothers and sisters so that they may be able to find their way and fulfil their true purpose in life while putting God first and keep the traditions going by inspiring others.
What motivates me and keeps me inspired is watching others grow into who they are destined to be as they learn to love God more and more and to see the domino effect from, it just confirms to me a job well done!
I see my ministry global, touching people from all backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures. Doing what I love, embracing people of all creeds. I see HUGE developments and construction of our physical worship center, and a continuous strong growing team of reliable, loyal, and trustworthy servants of God.
If you have stumbled upon my website, WELCOME! Know that this is not a coincidence, and that you are not here by a mistake.
Book your consultation with me so you can better, understand who you are and your soul's purpose, (what you came here to do), and how to navigate this thing called life while fulfilling and manifesting your heart's TRUE desires.
You will receive natal chart, a complete reading of what's going on in your life, what areas you could adjust, and what is needed on continuing to move forward as you rise to the top and be the best you, you could possibly be. You will be given all the tools and knowledge you need to best serve you as you move forward on your journey. My consultations are a donation of $150. to Cash APP $ApostleEaly.
You will need to leave your full name, DOB, Place of birth, time (if known) and your telephone number only,
Please do not give any other personal information unless specifically requested. I will let you know entirely what is going on with you, not the other way around. I look forward to humbly serving you as one of God's chosen servants, wishing you all the love, success and victory!
Apostle Samuel Ealy Jr
Minister Mario Dawkins FOREVER Church Administrator, First Orisha Priest, Son of Ochosi.
Brother Mario is our Church Administrator whom has been with us for over 10 years and has first hand knowledge and experience with the greatness of God, manifestations, healing, and miracles.
Meet Brother La'Travion Ruffin (Ealy)
(Apostle Ealy's Eldest son)
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Brother Mario is the Church Administrator he plays a very important roles in my ministry.
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